Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethaw today.

I just wanted to quickly share a blog that I have subscribed to that talks a lot about marriage, along with finding peace, happiness, joy, and spirituality. It's called "A Blog About Love" written by a Mormon couple living in New York who found each other after going through divorce with their first spouses. I could go on about their blog, but I just wanted to quickly post about a recent blog post of theirs, and a quote from one of the comments of that post, titled "Are you working away at a hard marriage?" (please read the post along with all of the comments if you have time - it's great!) -- the comment said this:

When you are (married to) someone who is so very right for you, you feel at peace when you are with them. Your individual spirits almost utter a sigh of relief when you are together because it's truly such a peaceful and loving union. As cheesy as it sounds, it really can be like two puzzle pieces coming together. ... I've learned that love truly can overcome anything if you let it. The other person will undoubtedly have annoying habits or push your buttons some days, but if the love you have is strong enough I think that you learn to brush aside all of those things. You are just so darn grateful and happy to be with that person that it overcomes everything. And that thought made me realize that appreciation and gratitude are also key. I'm sure many years together fades those initial feelings a bit, but I think that maybe you can choose love just like you choose to have faith, hope, or joy. You have to remember to choose to love the person you have chosen to be with each and every day just like you make a choice to be happy.

The first part of the comment = exactly how I feel with Jared. And I'm aware that this isn't always the case with married couples, and I don't want to sound ignorant to that reality, but I do want to share my gratitude that I was able to find my matching puzzle-piece of a husband. Sometimes we forget we are two different people, even... sounds weird, but I hope that some (if not all) of you know what I mean!

Also, lately I've been thinking about how I totally lucked out with my decision to marry Jared. You really don't realize what a huge, serious decision marriage is until you actually get married. Believe me, I thought I knew before I got married, but looking back now I really didn't. Wow, am I glad (and so thankful) that I made the right decision. Especially once you bring children into the picture... it's a whole new ballgame! If you aren't already on the same page as a married couple, having children definitely isn't going to fix that - it'll just bring in a brand spankin' new set of things that you have to work on together. But like I said, thank goodness I married Jared, because he has made marriage and parenthood a joy. Not to say we don't have our disagreements and days where we aren't quite on the same frequency, but 99.9% of the time, it's pretty awesome.

I hope all of you take the time to read that blog! Two of my favorite posts are Feeling truth for the first time, at age 30 and Peace is closer than we think.

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