Monday, November 29, 2010

Our (Post)-Thanksgiving Announcement Post

This Thanksgiving (season), we are thankful for....

It's true! Ironically, 2 days after I posted about our struggles with infertility, I took a pregnancy test (to prove to myself I wasn't pregnant so I could clear my head). I had to look twice when I saw two lines appear!

It was a complete shock, as we had really started to accept that our family would just consist of the two of us for another few years until we could *maybe* get pregnant with the help of doctors. We feel so blessed and amazed by this miracle baby! We still have a hard time believing it!

We had our first ultrasound today and it was really amazing to finally see that there REALLY IS a baby inside of me! Whoda thunk?? We even got to see it move around a bit. It's just the cutest lil thing I ever did see.

I really doubted that we would ever have a baby of our own. It truly is a miracle for us! I strongly believe that we struggled (and probably will continue to struggle in the future) with getting pregnant for a reason, and as hard as it is to see that as a blessing, I know that it was and is such a blessing for us.

I still don't know exactly how this pregnancy will go, but I'm feeling pretty optimistic, and I pray that everything will go smoothly and the baby will continue to grow and be healthy. We are so grateful for this miracle, and we continue to pray for those who may still be hoping for their own miracle baby. I have some books I highly recommend to anyone who is struggling with infertility (they really helped me) - if you want the list, just let me know and I'll email it to you. :) You can email me at alisamarie(at)gmail(dot)com.

We can't wait to meet our little one in June! (We found out today that the due date is June 11th!)

Oh, and Happy Belated Thanksgiving! :)

PS - According to our ultrasound, I am 12 weeks 2 days -- which is 5 days further along than I thought I was. I basically get to fast forward 5 days now, which is the best thing evaarr. Only a couple more weeks before I will officially be in the second trimester, hooray! The first trimester seriously seems to take for-eevvvv-errrrrrrrrrr!

PPS - There's a lot about Thanksgiving in this post because we were planning on posting it on Thanksgiving Day. Turns out the 'scheduler' thing didn't work because I hadn't officially saved the post (it was still considered a draft) - which means it didn't get posted. So I decided to just put it off until we got our ultrasound. Also -- I threw up about 14 times on Thanksgiving. Just a side note. It was way fun. :)


  1. Yay! Congratulations! It took 9 month's to get pregnant with our little girl (which isn't near as long as 2 years, yikes!) and it is AMAZING seeing those 2 lines. I'm so happy for you and hope your pregnancy goes well!

    Marie Cluff

  2. I've already told you, but congrats again! We're so happy for you!

  3. I literally had tears in my eyes reading this and seeing your little baby. I am soooo happy for you two you deserve it so much and will be the best parents! Can't wait to hold your lil baby.

  4. I saw your name and the ultra sound picture on Facebook and my heart skipped a beat, congratulations! I'm so happy for you two! Let me know if you need help with anything, I'm not an experienced parent, but I sure do love babysitting :)

  5. Yay!!! Congrats you two! I'm SO excited for you! :)

  6. that is so funny! I am glad it worked out ok!!!
